Good Samaritan Church in Concord, North Carolina

A Place Where All Are Welcome!

Elder Maurice Donovan, Pastor with First Lady Florence Donovan

Welcome to the webpage of the Good Samaritan Church, located in Concord, North Carolina. You have come to the right place at the right time. Good Samaritan Church is a growing ministry which has a heart for souls. We stress the importance of living a holy and sanctified life unto the Lord. We are a Bible believing church and we believe that the only way that the saints of the Most High could grow spiritually in the faith and to live a life of holiness is by systematically studying the Word.

If you have a hunger and a thirst for God’s Word, His righteousness and His will, the Good Samaritan Church just might be the place for you!

The Good Samaritan Church is located at 317 Melrose Drive S.W. Concord, NC 28025

You are more than welcome to join us via Facebook livestream on the ‘Good Samaritan Church- Concord, NC’ Facebook page.

“Except The Lord Build The House, They Labour In Vain That Build It” - Psalm 127:1

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint”- Luke 18:1


Contact Us:

Phone Number:

(704) 965-0284



317 Melrose Drive S.W. Concord, NC 28025