Good Samaritan Church Photo Gallery

Good Samaritan Church Photo Gallery

Mother Hill (upper left), Mother Hower (bottom left), Mother Crawford (upper right) Mother Harris, Matriarch (bottom right) (2023)

Mother Gracie Hower

Mother Ernestine Hill

Mother Annie Harris, Matriarch with Sister Jean and Deacon Fred Shoffner (2023)

Mother Harris, Matriarch with friends and members of the Good Samaritan Church (2023)

Mother Linda Crawford

Mother Harris, Matriarch with friends and members of the Good Samaritan Church (2023)

Good Samaritan Church members with family and friends in Charleston, South Carolina (2024)

Elder Donovan, Pastor with Brother Matthew

Sister Donovan helping serve during dinner to conclude Black History Month (2024)

Elder Maurice Donovan, Pastor with Brother Hopper during Black History Month at the Good Samaritan Church (2024)

Elder Donovan, Pastor with Sister Donovan

Mother Hower receiving her gift basket for Mother’s Day (2024)

Mother Crawford receiving her gift basket for Mother’s Day (2024)

Mother Hill with grandson, Alex

The Hopper Family celebrating Black History Month with the Good Samaritan Church (2024)

Good Samaritan Church members with family and friends visiting Angel Oak Tree in Charleston, South Carolina (2024)

Good Samaritan Church members with family and friends in Charleston, South Carolina (2024)

Sister Ervin receiving her gift basket for Mother’s Day (2024)

Brother Rahsaan celebrating Black History Month with the Good Samaritan Church (2024)

Mothers and Sisters acknowledged during Mother’s Day at the Good Samaritan Church (2024)

Mother Hill receiving her gift basket for Mother’s Day (2024)

Sister Kylie at the International African American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina (2024)

Sister Kairee with Sister Kylie celebrating Black History Month (2024)

Sister Vincent receiving her gift basket for Mother’s Day (2024)

Sister Hopper receiving her gift basket for Mother’s Day (2024)